Infant Safe Sleep Awareness Month

October is Infant Safe Sleep Awareness month, dedicated to raising awareness about safe sleeping environments for children.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, sudden unexpected infant death (SUID) is a term used to describe the sudden and unexpected death of a baby less than 1 year old in which the cause was not obvious before investigation.

Each year, approximately 3,500 infant fatalities are attributed to SUID, with unsafe sleep being the leading cause of death for children one year old and younger.

The Illinois Department of Children and Family Services is reminding parents and caregivers to follow the ABCs of Safe Sleep to help promote a safe sleeping environment:

·        Alone—Babies should sleep alone in their own bed.

·        Back – Babies should be placed to sleep on their backs.

·        Crib – Babies should be placed in a safety-approved crib. ​


Steve McClure

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