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Attorney General releases Safe Shopping Guide

The Attorney General’s office has released its annual Safe Shopping Guide highlighting hazardous toys, children’s products and household items that have been recalled during the

IEMA releases holiday safety tips

The Illinois Emergency Management Agency is offering holiday safety tips for shopping, travel, winter heating and more at Here are just a few: Decorating – When

Illinois ranks low in fiscal transparency

Watchdog group Truth in Accounting has issued a report that ranks Illinois among the least fiscally-transparent states in the nation. Illinois has been ranked ninth-worst, with the

Save money now on State Fair passes

As you prepare for the holiday season, the Illinois Department of Agriculture says a pass to the 2020 Illinois State Fair might just be the

Keep your Thanksgiving feast safe

The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) has its own recommendations for Thanksgiving celebrations to prepare your food and keep it healthy and safe. According

Update from Senator McClure: November 18

Senator McClure recently had the honor of touring the New Philadelphia historic site courtesy of the New Philadelphia Association. New Philadelphia was the first town

Steve McClure

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