I am hearing a great deal about the devastating impact that the COVID-19 emergency is having on local businesses. Please see the links and information provided below to help direct you to disaster assistance loans through federal and state programs as well as tax information.
Additionally, you can reach out to the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) via email at ceo.support@illinois.gov or by phone at 1-800-252-2923 for other possible programs, resources, or incentives. Please do not hesitate to contact me at (217) 245-7456 if you need any further information.
Disaster Assistance Loans for Small Businesses Impacted by COVID-19 (U.S. Small Business Administration)
Phone: 1-800-659-2955
Email: disastercustomerservice@sba.gov
Small Business COVID-19 Relief Program (Illinois State Treasurer)
Press Release: https://www.illinoistreasurer.gov/Invest_in_Illinois/Small_Business_COVID-19_Relief_Program
Phone: (217) 558-6217
Email: investinillinois@illinoistreasurer.gov
COVID-19 Information for Illinois Taxpayers