200 local families in need will now have the ability to host a full and nutritious Thanksgiving meal, thanks to a partnership between State Senator Steve McClure (R-Springfield), Westminster Presbyterian Church, Meridian Health, and local food banks. On Monday, November 21st, they teamed up to provide 200 free turkeys and hams to families identified by local food assistance organizations.
“I love Thanksgiving, because it’s a time for families to get together and celebrate their blessings,” said Senator McClure. “This event gives all of us a chance to give back.”
McClure and Westminster officials worked with local food assistance programs to identify families in need, who were then invited to take part and receive a turkey or ham free of charge.
The turkeys and hams were provided by Meridian Health. As part of the event, 100 turkeys and hams were provided for Contact Ministries to distribute as part of their own programs.
“Contact Ministries is proud to be partnering with Senator Steve McClure and Westminster Presbyterian Church to bless families experiencing food shortage this holiday season,” said Cindy Drum, Executive Director of Contact Ministries. “Contact Ministries and Westminster Presbyterian Church have been partnering to providing basic needs to our community for over 44 years.
We are thankful for the ability to provide hams and turkeys to 100 additional families in our community.”
“Westminster is grateful for the opportunity to collaborate with Senator Steve McClure, a life-long member of our congregation, and Meridian Health, a reliable provider of health care to the people of Illinois, in distributing this generous gift of nourishment to our friends in the neighborhood and at Contact Ministries as they prepare their tables for Thanksgiving.,” said the Rev. Dr. Blythe Denham Kieffer, Pastor of Westminster Presbyterian Church.